The seed of innovation process is the advancement of knowledge. As research have become more complex, the universities and business environment are driven by an increased need of cooperation in bringing together specialists’ capabilities, in order to meet emerging market needs.
✔ Create and work for the Earth, in a globalised world
✔ Sustainable knowledge creation projects
✔ Nertwork’s life cycle phases presentations
✔ Special knowledge brokering:
Exploring how professionals can make the world safer against emerging pathogens
“Life sciences today for tomorrow”
Selected Papers will be published in a special congress issue, Web of Science indexed, and in the internationally indexed proceedings (CAB International, Copernicus International, Genamics Journal Seek, SCIRIUS, DOAJ, AGRIS):
– “Scientific papers. Agronomy Series” (ISSN 1454-7414),
– “Scientific papers. Horticulture Series” (ISSN 1454-7376),
– “Scientific papers. Animal husbandry series” (ISSN 1454-7368),
– “Scientific papers. Veterinary Medicine Series” (ISSN 1454-7406).
Prof. PhD. Vasile VÎNTU
President of the Senate
Prof. PhD. Gerard JITĂREANU