Editing Rules

Papers will have an even number of pages (maximum 6 pages) and will be prepared in according with the following demands: Page:

Custom size (16.8 x 24 cm).

Margins: Portrait: Top 2 cm; Bottom 1.5 cm; Left 2 cm; Right 2 cm; Header 2 cm; Footer 1.5 cm;
Landscape: Top 2 cm; Bottom 2 cm; Left 2.4 cm; Right 2.8 cm; Header 1 cm; Footer 1 cm.

Text in paper: Justify, indent (Tab) paragraph: 1 cm, normal “style”.

References in text: Arial 9. Scientific names (in Latin language): Italic.

Tables: Arial, 9, Title, Bold, Center; – number (Table …) Arial 9, Italic, Right; – border outside and the line underneath of table head must have a thickness of 1 ½, and in rest ¾; – text in table head must be written with Bold.

Figures: Arial, 9, Center (number and title), and the figure must be mentioned in text.

Structure of the paper

Title in English: Capital letters, Times New Roman, 13, Bold, Center (followed by a free line).

Title in Romanian: Capital letters, Times New Roman, 11, Bold, Center (followed by a free line).

Authors: Capital letters, Times New Roman, 11, Bold, Italic, Right.

Institution: Times New Roman, 11, Right (followed by a free line).

Abstract in English: Times New Roman, 9.5 Italic, 2 Indent (Tab) to the right.

Keywords in English: Times New Roman 9.5; 2 Indent (Tab) to the right (followed by a free line).

Abstract in Romanian: Times New Roman, 9.5 Italic, 2 Indent (Tab) to the right.

Keywords in Romanian: Times New Roman 9.5; 2 Indent (Tab) to the right (followed by a free line).

Introduction: Times New Roman, 11.

Material and method: Title: Arial, 11, Bold, Center, capital letters, Text: Arial, 9.5.

Results and discussions: Title: Times New Roman, 12, Bold, Center, capital letters; Text: Times New Roman, 11.

Conclusions: Title: Times New Roman, 12, Bold, Center, capital letters; Text: Times New Roman, 11, first line (1).

References: Title: Arial, 10, Bold, Center, capital letters; Text: Arial, 9, Hanging (1), (alphabetically); Nr. crt., authors (Bold, small letters), year, – title, (Italic) … . Publishing House (normal characters).